
Customer Service

Our #1 job assignment is to do everything that we can to help our customers meet their needs and fulfill their obligations to their customers. With that as our guiding philosophy, we have often found ourselves expanding the list of services that we deliver, and in the years we’ve been in business, our service list has grown to include drywall and much more.


Drywall is still the heart of our business, and because drywall alone does not make a strong and beautiful building, our team provides many other construction services. Click here to view our drywall tips.

Metal Framing

Interior and Exterior – Every building requires framing. The two basic choices for framing are wood and metal, and metal has many advantages over wood.

For load-bearing walls used in commercial construction, metal’s major advantage is that metal studs do not warp. Some of the extra value that metal studs offer is that they don’t burn or rot, and they’re not attractive to termites. Steel studs are lighter than wood and less expensive than wood.

It was the development of steel that essentially made skyscrapers possible by allowing them to reach new heights. The 10-story Home Insurance Building built in Chicago in 1895 was the first tall building to be supported by a steel skeleton, and today, according to the Steel Framing Alliance, more than 40% of all commercial structures are built with metal framing, and steel offers benefits including:

  • Strength

    Steel framing provides a significantly greater strength-to-weight ratio than wood.
  • Convenience

    Metal is lighter than wood and takes up half the space of lumber because of its hollowed shape. This makes for easier transporting and storage.
  • Ease of installation

    Steel framing is easier to handle because the studs weigh a third less than wood and can be installed at 24 inches on center. They also are attached with screws, so moving studs is simple if you make a mistake.
  • Stability

    Wood is prone to twisting and warping; metal is not. Wood also wicks moisture, which can lead to mold growth and rot, while metal is immune.
  • Lower costs

    This advantage may not be immediately apparent because steel framing can cost more than wood, but metal studs offer benefits that show up after construction. Steel does not shrink, split or warp, so there are no nail pops or drywall cracks to fix after the structure is complete. Consistent quality means that scrap is drastically reduced (2 percent for steel versus 20 percent for wood), and this reduces costs for disposing of waste. You also may enjoy significant discounts on risk insurance for steel framed structures.

Acoustical Ceilings

We may think that acoustical ceilings are beneficial only in theatres and music rooms, but acoustical ceilings can improve the atmosphere in any room in any building. Much of the unpleasant noise that we hear in any room comes from sounds echoing off the ceiling and other solid objects. A properly designed and installed acoustical ceiling can greatly reduce noise and improve the experience of being in any room. AD&C is highly skilled in designing and installing acoustical ceilings, and we’ll be happy to work with you to meet your clients’ needs for proper acoustics.

General Carpentry

Every building requires the work of skilled carpenters, and AD&C can supply all the carpentry work that you require, indoors and outdoors, from foundations to finishes.


Insulation requirements are different for every building. Is the insulation material the correct R-value for your location? Do we need a Vapor Retarder? Proper insulation involves many factors, and we’ll calculate a building’s insulation requirements, obtain the proper materials, and install them correctly.


Because painting is a necessity on almost every job, it has become a service that many of our clients ask us to perform for them. Our skilled and dedicated painting contractors will work diligently and to fulfill the expectations of your customers and to meet your deadlines.

Supplemental Labor

Sometimes, the job demands more skilled workers than our clients have available. When that happens, we can supply the extra labor that’s necessary to get the job done on time. We also provide supplemental manpower for clients who want to do much of the work on a project themselves and then choose to use us on an “as-needed” basis. In many situations, we can work on a “Time and Materials” basis to meet our customers’ needs.

Above all, AD&C focuses on developing lasting relationships. For our customers with whom we have such relationships, we welcome jobs of all sizes, both residential and commercial. We work in new construction, and we also do work for projects that involve innovative reuse of older buildings, remodeling, and repairs after fires and water damage.